
2024/12/30 12:27:16  发表于31天前

Are there any lies that your parents told you as a kid that you believed for longer than you'd like to admit?


获得15.7k好评的答案@Julio Cesar Samorano Filho

When I was 6 years old, my mom bought me a goldfish, his name was King. Some weeks after King arrived we decided to give him some friends, so I ended up with an aquarium with ~15 fish.


Every month, one or two fish would die and my mom used to replace them with new ones. After 3 years I lost interest on the aquarium, and my mom stopped buying new fish. The only fish remaining was King, he lived for 3 years!


Five years ago, when I was 18, I was telling to a friend how long my goldfish stayed with us, when my mom interrupted me and told me the truth: "son, your fish didn't live for 3 years, I've replaced him every time he died and you never noticed it".


获得586好评的答案@Shreya Thacker

My mother is creative when it comes to deceiving.


'If you don't dry yourself properly after showering, your body hair is going to grow out making you look like a furry bear'


She dropped this on a 4 year old me. The image of looking like a bear scared the living day lights out of me.


Her concept was simple, the way you water plants and they grow, similarly you water your body and if you don't dry, your hair grows.


Well played maa, well played!


获得5.4k好评的答案@Dushka Zapata

When I was little my Dad told me that pressing the button on the handbrake would make the car fly and that he only used it under duress as it was very very dangerous.


Back then I half knew he was teasing but now, when I am stuck in awful traffic, I gently graze the button and tell myself it's always there for me in case I need to deploy it as a very last resort.


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